Teachers, parents and students will benefit from a new and improved carpark at Kuraby State School in Brisbane’s south which is being delivered by the Schrinner Council.
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said the $1.2 million upgrade, fully funded by the Federal Government, was the final piece of the puzzle following works to improve the drop-off zone in the school in 2019.
“In mid-2019, my Council upgraded Kuraby State School’s existing pick-up and drop-off facility under the $894,000 Safe School Travel Infrastructure program, jointly funded with the State Government,” Cr Schrinner said.
“This included improving line marking and signage at the existing pick-up and drop-off zone, installing a pedestrian crossing point with two concrete islands, and installing seven numbered bays with two-minute passenger loading conditions during peak times.
“We want to ensure everyone can get to where they need to be safety and I am delivering my 2020 election commitment to build on these improvements and upgrade the carpark.
“Works are now underway to fix potholes and create safer pathways and connections for parents, students and carers walking in the area.”
Runcorn Councillor Kim Marx said works would take approximately two months to complete.
“The area will see the introduction of 66 new parking bays, the installation of a concrete centre island and associated lane marking on Beenleigh Road, a new right-turn pocket leading onto Beenleigh Road and new footpath connecting existing pathways and crossing facilities,” Cr Marx said.
“While works are underway, the current parking lot will be closed and I encourage people to seek alternative parking, such as the internal parking space near the Pioneer Drive entrance.”
This project is fully funded under the Federal Government’s Local Road and Community Infrastructure grant project.
For more information, visit brisbane.qld.gov.au or www.adrianschrinner.com.au/brisbane-news to keep up to date with what’s happening in Brisbane.